The schedule for Counselling for AYUSH courses is declared by AACCC, New Delhi. Accordingly, the competent authority has decided to conduct the State Counselling for BAMS/BHMS/BUMS Courses in accordance with the rules published in NEET-UG-2023 Information Brochure for A.Y.2023-24. The schedule will be as
Schedule for CAP Round – 1 of (Ayush & Allied Courses only)
Sr.No | Activity | Dates |
1. | Publication of Seat Matrix for CAP Round-1 | 08/09/2023 |
2. | Online Filling of Preference Form for CAP Round-1 | 09/09/2023 to 12/09/2023 upto 11.59 pm |
3. | Declaration of CAP Round – 1 Selection List | 14/09/2023 |
4. | Physical Joining and Filling of Status Retention Form with All Original Documents & Requisite Fees by DD/Cheque | 15/09/2023 to 20/09/2023 05.30 pm (Excluding 19/09/2023) |
5. | Last date of resignation of CAP Round -1 Seats without forfeiture of fees | 29/09/2023 upto 05.30 pm |
Schedule for CAP Round – 2 of (Ayush & Allied Courses only)
Sr.No | Activity | Dates | |
1. | Publication of Seat Matrix for CAP Round-2 | 30/09/2023 | |
2. | Online Filling of Preference Form for CAP Round-2 | 01/10/2023 to 03/10/2023 |
3. | Declaration of CAP Round – 2 Selection List | 05/10/2023 | |
4. | Physical Joining and Filling of Status Retention Form with All Original Documents & Requisite Fees by DD/Cheque | 06/10/2023 to 10/10/2023 05.30 pm |
5. | Last date of resignation of CAP- 2 seats with forfeiture of registration fees | 19/10/2023 upto 05.30 pm |
Schedule for CAP Round – 3 of (Ayush & Allied Courses only)
Sr.No | Activity | Dates |
1 | Online Registration and Session Apply for CAP Round-3 Candidates who have registered previously need to register only if their fee was forfeited as per rules. |
20/10/2023 to 21/10/2023 upto 11.59 am |
2 | Payment of Registration Fees through Online Payment Gateway for (A candidate will be treated as registered for the process only after successful Payment of the fees.) |
20/10/2023 to 22/10/2023 upto 03.00pm |
4 | Publication of General List of Registered Candidates | 23/10/2023 |
5 | Publication of Combined Common Provisional State Merit List | 23/10/2023 |
6 | Publication of Seat Matrix | 21/10/2023 |
7 | Online Preference/Choice Form Filling Process of eligible candidates | 23/10/2023 to 24/10/2023 upto 11.59 pm |
8 | Declaration of CAP Round -3 Selection List | 26/10/2023 |
9 | Physical Joining with All Original Documents & Requisite Fees by DD/Cheque at the allotted college. | 27/10/2023 to 30/10/2023 upto 05.30 pm |
- Candidates should refer to Information Brochure for rules regarding forfeiture of fees and eligibility of CAP All Round .
- For ensuring faithful obedience of time schedule and also keeping in view the limited time available for conducting counselling, all participating institutes/ colleges are directed to treat all Saturdays/ Sundays and Gazetted Holidays as working days.
- “1) Candidates should ascertain their eligibility for each round as per the Information Brochure of NEET-UG-2023.
- 2) The Filling of Status Retention form is choice of the candidate. However, Status retention form once filled cannot be taken back. Hence, candidates should be careful about filling the status retention form.
- 3) Candidates of CAP-1, if fail to resign before 29/09/2023 will be considered as part of CAP-2 and rules will apply accordingly.
- 4) No resignation will be allowed after 19/10/2023, 05.30 pm.
- 5) Fee payment through Cheque is allowed on Sunday & Bank Holidays. However they have to be replaced with DD immediately on the next working day.”
Thank you 😊